
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rush Limbaugh caught in dressing room changing out of Rachel Maddow outfit

The political pundit world was shocked this afternoon when it discovered that left-leaning Rachel Maddow is actually the extreme-righty radio host himself, Rush Limbaugh. Fans of the Maddow Show have been taking to Twitter all day in at attempt to put some meaning behind this surprising turn of events. "I just don't understand it", said a longtime watcher of her show, "how could he do that to could she do that...I don't even know who the hell I'm talking about. I always wondered why they were never in the same place at the same time."

MSNBC has yet to comment but Rush took to the airwaves quickly after finding out he was discovered. "Well, there ya have it. I was going to wait until Halloween to scare everyone and make you Libs start crying out for God, or whoever it is you don't believe in. Looks like all you Dems are gonna have to watch Piers Morgan. Oh, I wish I could see the look on every one of your whiny faces."

Scientists who study size and space are still trying to figure out how Rushbo accomplished this feat.

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